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Minister for Health announces call for Public Voice Member of the National Screening Advisory Committee

Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly, TD, is pleased to announce that expressions of interest are now being sought for membership of the National Screening Advisory Committee (NSAC) in the role of Public Voice representative


This independent Committee makes recommendations to the Minister on new population-based screening programmes or changes to programmes that we already have in place in Ireland.  


Minister Donnelly said: “I am delighted to announce the call for expressions of interest for membership of the NSAC as a Public Voice member. Both the Committee and I are committed to the safe expansion of population-based screening in Ireland, in line with best international practice.  It is therefore very important that the public are fully involved in policy-making in this area. As a Public Voice member of the Committee, the individual chosen for this role will have an opportunity to contribute to Committee discussions and decisions while representing the public and ensuring that they are considered in every decision that is made.


"If you have an interest in this position, I strongly encourage you to apply. The voice of the public is so important for the development of screening policy that is inclusive and considers the best possible outcomes for people living in Ireland.”


The Chair of the Committee, Prof. Niall O’Higgins said: “Convincing evidence from around the globe indicates that health screening can prevent disease, improve cure rates, reduce serious illness and premature death, and sustain a better quality of life. The voice of the public is crucial for the development of screening. To be successful a screening programme requires more than expressions of public support and goodwill. Its greatest value will be achieved when the public is fully and actively engaged in its development and implementation.


"We recently launched our first Annual Call for submissions for new population-based screening programmes and changes to existing programmes and anyone can submit their proposal. Further information on the Annual Call can be found at 

"This coupled with the expression of interest for a second Public Voice member sets out the NSAC’s commitment to involving the public in the process of developing national policy on population-based screening.”


The position is currently advertised on StateBoards with the closing date for applications of 14 January 2022. Potential applicants are encouraged to read the information booklet carefully prior to submission of an application. 


Notes to the Editor:


Who are the NSAC: 

National Screening Advisory Committee (NSAC) is an independent advisory committee which advises the Minister and Department of Health on all new proposals for population-based screening programmes and revisions to existing programmes. Please visit for more information. The NSAC Annual Report 2020 is also available on the website.

 NSAC has recently launched their first Annual Call for submissions for new population-based screening programmes and changes to existing programmes and anyone can submit their proposal. Further information on the Annual Call can be found at 

Current areas of expertise on the Committee

  • Public Health
  • Ethics
  • Public Voice (1 current member and 1 vacancy)
  • Health Economics 
  • Epidemiology
  • Medico-Legal
  • Social Scientist
  • General Practice
  • Paediatrics and Child Health
  • Obstetrics
  • Cancer 
  • Genetics
  • Laboratory Services
  • Nursing and Midwifery
  • Journalism
  • Diagnostic Imaging
  • Pathology (vacancy)
  • Psychology