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Minister for Health announces commencement of Expert Review Body on Nursing and Midwifery Professions

The Minister for Health, Stephen Donnelly TD, today announced that the Expert Review Body for the independent review of Nursing and Midwifery has commenced its programme of work. This review is an important piece of work for the professions set in the context of both the Labour Court recommendation of February 2019 and the significant planned reform of our health services. The Review group, chaired by Dr Moling Ryan and comprising of members representing national and international professional expertise, technology in healthcare, and representatives from staff and employers have already met on two occasions. This review group will be further supported through submissions from a wide group of stakeholders. A call for these submissions will issue in the week commencing the 24th of August 2020

The Minister for Health said;

I am very grateful that Dr. Moling Ryan is prepared to give his time and expertise to undertake this important project at this important time for our health service.


The other members of the Body are:

  • Ms Angela Reed, Northern Ireland Practice and Educational Council for Nursing and Midwifery;
  • Ms Bridie O’Sullivan, Group Director of Nursing and Midwifery, South South-West Hospital Group, HSE; 
  • Prof John Drennan, Professor of Nursing and Chair of Nursing and Health Services Research, UCC;
  • Ms Patricia King, General Secretary, ICTU;
  • Ms Rachel Kenna, Chief Nursing Officer, Department of Health
  • Mr. Tom Clarke, Principal Officer, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.

In line with the recommendations of the Public Service Pay Commission and the Labour Court, and given the need for fundamental reforms which will impact significantly on nursing and midwifery in the context of implementing Slaintecare, this Expert Body will conduct a general review of nursing and midwifery.

The Expert Review Body will consult directly with stakeholders in the development of recommendations that support the continued development of an integrated health system.


The various outputs of the Expert Review Body will serve as a basis for future engagement between the parties to the Public Service Stability Agreement, in the context of negotiations on a successor collective agreement.