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Minister for Health, Simon Harris meets counterpart in Germany to discuss Ireland’s bid for the relocation of the European Medicines Agency

Today the Minister for Health, Simon Harris T.D., was in Berlin to meet with German Health Minister Hermann Gröhe to hold a discussion on the relocation of the European Medicines Agency (EMA), due to relocate from London in the aftermath of the UK’s exit from the European Union.
During the visit, the Minister outlined the strength of the Dublin bid and how the EMA would be supported throughout the relocation period in order to ensure the continuity of the important work of the agency in protecting the health of over 500 million citizens of Europe.
Speaking today, Minister Harris summarised the benefits of Dublin as a new home for the Agency;
“The EMA relocating away from London is a huge challenge for all of Europe. It is vitally important that a responsible decision is made, based on the announced criteria and that the eventual new home for the EMA is the one best placed to support the continuation of the Agency’s important work.
Dublin is putting forward a strong and comprehensive bid which maintains a focus on business continuity for the EMA. Key to this will be the retention of existing personnel and their expertise.
Dublin is accessible to both staff and visiting experts through our extensive air links with Europe and our strong ICT connectivity. It is a safe and vibrant place to live and work. We also perform well in the pharmaceutical sector thanks to our excellent reputation for medicines regulation.
I believe that Dublin will prove an attractive proposition for the EMA, for the EU and for all European citizens. With whole of government support for our bid, I hope to welcome the EMA to Dublin in the future”
Details about the Dublin bid can be found on the campaign website and by following @dublinforema on Twitter.