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Minister Harris announces €5.8 million in funding for Community Education

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD has today (Tuesday) announced that €5.8m has been granted for community education under the Mitigating against Educational Disadvantage Fund. 

The Fund was secured as part of Budget 2021 to support community education for adult learners, who have the highest level of need. It aims to increase the participation of disadvantaged learners, particularly those who are undertaking literacy and skills programmes. The fund has a strong focus on building the digital infrastructure of community education providers, including providing devices and software, and increasing their capacity to deliver online learning.

Speaking today, Minister Harris said: “We know that too many people in Ireland have difficulties with reading, with numbers or with digital skills.  Some people may not have got the help they needed earlier in their lives, but what I want people to know is that there is friendly and non-judgemental help there for you now.  There are services all over Ireland which will gladly assist you with the skills you’d like to learn.

“One of the things that the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted was educational inequality – be it a lack of devices like laptops or someone not having the connectivity to study online.  The funding I am announcing today is specifically designed to tackle those inequalities and support access to community education. 

“Education is for everyone, for all your life, and I am determined that my Department will be part of building an inclusive Ireland where nobody is left behind.”

CEO of SOLAS, Andrew Brownlee, said: “Community Education and the support that it provides in meeting the needs of marginalised and disadvantaged learners is a fundamental part of what Further Education and Training offers. SOLAS and the 16 Education and Training Boards nationwide, were delighted to receive over 500 applications for this fund which will make a real difference for learners in local communities across Ireland whether it be through support around digital technologies, outreach or individual learner assistance.  As part of our Future FET Strategy we are committed to providing the right supports and facilitating participation by the most marginalised groups in society so that everyone has an opportunity to learn and develop.” 

The fund emphasises:

  • Community Education as a mechanism to continue to support and engage with disadvantaged learners
  • Reaching out, encouraging and supporting learners to re-engage with education and training
  • Attracting new learners to engage with education and training opportunities
  • Enabling investment in building the digital infrastructure of providers, and their capability to ensure that online learning can be delivered in a way that meets the complex needs of all learners

SOLAS invited applications to the Fund from local Community Education providers through their local Education and Training Boards.

Categories eligible for funding included:

Digital Technologies to supply devices, software and systems, or CPD training, to facilitate high quality learning and delivery

Learner Assistance Fund to help, where appropriate, with costs associated with course participation, such as books and class materials

Outreach, Engagement and Mentoring Fund to assist with costs associated with activities such as awareness raising, and services to promote re-engagement

COVID-19 Exceptional Circumstances Fund for Community Education to address educationally disadvantaged learners.