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Minister Harris visits European Medicines Agency (EMA)

Today, the Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD, is visiting the European Medicines Agency (EMA) in Canary Wharf in London where he will meet with the Executive Director, Professor Rasi, and members of his team. The Minister will be accompanied by Lorraine Nolan, Chief Executive of the Health Products Regulatory Association (HPRA, formerly Irish Medicines Board).

The Minister is taking this opportunity to visit the EMA, which is responsible for ensuring that all medicines on the EU market are safe, effective and of high quality.
Speaking ahead of the meeting, the Minister said, "I look forward to meeting with Professor Rasi and his team and discussing the EMA's vital role in the protection and promotion of public health.

I am also mindful of the consequences of Brexit for the Agency and I believe that it will be essential to minimise the impact of a relocation, in particular by finding a solution that maximises retention of existing staff.

The Government has endorsed my request that Ireland would seek to have the EMA relocate to Dublin."

In early February the Minister will follow up with a series of meeting with officials and stakeholders in Brussels.