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Minister Harris welcomes Government approval for legislation to establish Department

Minister for Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Simon Harris TD, has today welcomed Government approval to publish legislation to establish the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science.


Speaking today, Minister Harris said:

This new Department offers new and exciting opportunities.

My priorities in establishing this new Department will be to ensure it is an economic driver but also a Department which drives social inclusion.

We must remove the barriers in accessing further and higher education, and recognise fully the importance of the role of further and community education. It is my ambition that every person should have the opportunity to access third level education.

 The link between Education and Research, Innovation and Science is fundamental to our economy. Science and research have never been more important than in this Covid-19 era. We must support this vital community and enhance it.

 We must support and nurture initiative, drive creativity and learn how to foster and grow it into industry.

 I am really looking forward to the challenge of this new Department and in ensuring it is one that offers people the opportunity of education and a gateway to the workforce, and in supporting the brightest and best in Research, Innovation and Science to future proof our economy.