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Minister Harris welcomes the commencement of a national public consultation process by HIQA on extending the HPV vaccination programme to include boys

Minister for Health Simon Harris, welcomed the commencement of a national public consultation process by the Health Information and Quality Authority on extending the HPV vaccination programme to include boys. The HPV vaccine is currently offered to girls in their first year of secondary school.

Minister Harris said,

I requested HIQA to undertake this Health Technology Assessment, which will establish the clinical and cost-effectiveness of providing the vaccine to boys. This public consultation is an important part of the process and I encourage people to take this opportunity to give their views. This Government is supportive of the extension of the HPV programme to boys and it will be prioritised should the HTA make a positive recommendation. I am encouraged to hear the HIQA assessment has found that vaccinating both boys and girls would have considerable health benefits and that it reiterates that the vaccine is safe and effective at preventing infection with HPV.

The Minister added,

Cervical cancer impacts the lives of almost 7,000 women in Ireland every year. Vaccination teams will be returning to schools in September to administer the HPV vaccine to girls in first year and I encourage parents to ensure that their daughters receive this important life-saving vaccine.