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Minister Harris welcomes three new Ministers of State at the Department of Health

Minister Harris today welcomed the appointment of three new Ministers of State to the Department of Health. Helen McEntee TD has been appointed Minister for Mental Health and Older People, Marcella Corcoran Kennedy TD has been appointed Minister for Health Promotion and Catherine Byrne TD has been appointed as Minister for Communities and the National Drugs Strategy. They join Minister Harris and Minister McGrath in the Department of Health.

Minister Harris said “The appointment of three new Ministers again emphasises the Government’s Commitment to health and social services.

“The appointment of Helen McEntee represents the priority this Government places on improving provision of and access to mental health services. Minister McEntee will also have responsibility for services for older people which will be a key support for our valued older citizens.

"I also welcome Marcella Corcoran Kennedy as Minister for Health Promotion. A Minister with specific responsibility for Health Promotion demonstrates our commitment to measures that will impact on people’s health now and well into the future.

"Finally, I am glad to welcome Catherine Byrne as Minister with responsibility for the National Drugs Strategy. We have committed to completing work on and commencing implementation of the new National Drugs Strategy within 12 months and I believe that we can achieve this together.

"I look forward to working with Helen, Marcella and Catherine, who will join Finian and I in what is a challenging but rewarding portfolio.”