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Minister Helen McEntee highlights Revenue’s extensive engagement with businesses during visit to Revenue offices in Dublin Port

Today the Minister for European Affairs Helen McEntee TD visited Revenue’s New Custom House in Dublin Port, to hear first-hand the extensive advice and support Revenue officials are providing to businesses that will be impacted by Brexit. Revenue’s engagement is part of a multi layered programme undertaken to maximise trade understanding of the potential impact of Brexit, and to support and encourage businesses to take the practical steps necessary for trading with the UK post Brexit.

The Minister also took the opportunity to highlight the scale of this intensified engagement by Revenue with businesses who trade with the UK, and stressed again the importance of businesses preparing for Brexit.

Minister Helen McEntee said;

Revenue has been actively engaging with businesses on the important matter of Brexit preparations since November 2018. In July this year, Revenue intensified this engagement with all businesses who traded with the UK in 2018 and the first half of 2019. Over 102,0000 letters have issued with focused follow up phone calls made to the businesses that have the largest volumes of trade, by value, with the UK or who have frequent trade with the UK. The focus has been on making sure that the businesses with potentially the greatest Brexit exposure, prepare for Brexit.

Revenue’s engagement has received a hugely positive response from businesses, and the Government is urging every businesses who received a Brexit preparedness letter or a follow up call from Revenue to heed the advice and get Brexit ready to the greatest extent possible.

With almost 19,000 EORI registrations in 2019 to date, there are clear indications that some businesses have started their preparations. However, having an EORI number is just the first step in being able to trade with the UK post Brexit. At a minimum, every business should also:

  • have the facility to make customs declarations or have plans in place for a customs agent to do so
  • know the origin and Commodity Code of their goods or products, and
  • talk to the person who transports their goods or products to make sure they have the new information they need.

In conclusion the Minister acknowledged the commitment and professionalism of Revenue staff, many of whom have been recruited by Revenue in recent months, in supporting and guiding business that trade with the UK, towards managing the significant Brexit related challenges they face.