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Minister Humphreys addresses Global Irish Economic Forum on Ireland 2016

The Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys TD, is today (Saturday) addressing the Global Irish Economic Forum in Dublin Castle on the Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme. Minister Humphreys highlighted the international element of the programme, which will reach out to Irish people across the globe.

Speaking today Minister Humphreys said:
“The Global Economic Forum provides a very important opportunity to reach out to the Diaspora and tell them about our plans for the centenary of the Easter Rising next year. The Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme extends far beyond Ireland and will have a global reach as we remember the pivotal events which helped to shape this nation.

“Since we launched the Ireland 2016 Centenary Programme in March, there has been a tremendous amount of creativity and hard work, as we work together across both Government and at community level – at home and through our embassy networks abroad - to bring the programme to life.

“The Global and Diaspora strand of Ireland 2016 is a vital part of next year’s events and extends the celebration of the birth of our independent State, to Irish people all over the world. It will also ensure that we remember and respect the enormous contribution of the Diaspora to the life of our nation from 1916 through to the present day.

“A number of international cities have a direct link to the Rising – for example, many of the key protagonists spent time in New York in the run up to the events of 1916 - and these cities will act as focal points for the global cultural programme. I am very happy to say that within my own Department, Culture Ireland has produced a programme of diversity and richness, which will be a fitting contribution to our 2016 events.

“The Culture Ireland programme, ‘I Am Ireland’, which was launched last month, will include concerts and events across six key territories; the United States, Britain, Canada, Australia and New Zealand. It will run parallel to the very extensive programme already under way through our embassies, which is being led by my colleagues Ministers Flanagan and Minister Deenihan.

“In total, more than 1,000 events will be held around the world next year as we reflect on our past, consider our achievements – at home and abroad – over the last 100 years, and look ambitiously to our future.”