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Minister Humphreys chairs first meeting of Monitoring Committee for Action Plan for Rural Development

Whole-of Government approach to supporting rural communities and robust monitoring mechanisms will ensure the success of Action Plan

The Minister for Arts, Heritage, Regional, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, Heather Humphreys TD, this afternoon (Thursday) chaired the first meeting of the Monitoring Committee for the Action Plan for Rural Development. Realising our Rural Potential, the Government's Action Plan for Rural Development, which was launched in January, contains more than 270 actions for delivery across Government, State agencies and other bodies to support the economic and social progress of rural Ireland. Each action has been assigned to a lead body which will be responsible for implementation of the action within a definite timescale.

The Monitoring Committee brings together key rural stakeholders, Government Departments and Agencies, business and community representatives to monitor progress across the 270 + actions of the Plan. The Monitoring Committee will also be responsible for identifying obstacles to implementation, highlighting areas of best practice which could be replicated across rural Ireland and developing mechanisms for measuring the social and economic impact of the Action Plan on rural communities.

Speaking today Minister Humphreys said:

"The Action Plan provides the necessary supports and structures to enable Government - at both central and local level - as well as businesses and rural communities, to work together to achieve sustainable rural development. However, if we want to achieve success with this Plan, we need to ensure we have robust monitoring mechanisms. I intend to work closely with this Committee and leverage the expertise and goodwill around the table to ensure that rural communities are enabled to maximise the opportunities that are out there. I do not intend for this process to become an unwieldy tick-box exercise; I want the Committee to be dynamic and innovative in how it tackles the challenges that are out there".

Mr. Pat Spillane, Ambassador for the Action Plan for Rural Development and member of the Monitoring Committee said:

"This Committee represents a real opportunity for all of us involved in rural issues to work together to provide support for rural communities and tackle the obstacles to development that may be out there. I've seen first-hand in my role as Rural Ambassador, that there is a real willingness to think outside the box in rural Ireland and we need to support and enable rural communities in their work. Co-ordination is key to this and I am delighted to see such a breadth of experience and knowledge within this Monitoring Committee."

Membership of the Committee

  1. Government Departments
  1. Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine
  2. Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment
  3. Department of Education and Skills
  4. Department of Housing, Planning Community and Local Government
  5. Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport
  6. Department of Justice and Equality
  7. Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation
  8. Department of Health/HSE
  9. Department of Public Expenditure and Reform
  10. Department of Social Protection
  11. Department of An Taoiseach
  12. OPW


  1. Public bodies
  1. Arts Council
  2. Enterprise Ireland
  3. Fáilte Ireland
  4. County & City Managers Association
  5. Representative of the three Regional Assemblies
  6. Údarás na Gaeltachta
  7. Western Development Commission
  8. Teagasc


  1. Rural Stakeholders
  1. Pat Spillane (Ambassador for the Action Plan)
  2. Irish Rural Link
  3. IFA
  4. Macra na Feirme
  5. ICA
  6. Representative for Coastal Communities
  7. Irish Local Development Network
  8. Rural Development research expert
  9. GAA
  10. Rural Social Enterprise representative


  1. Business Community
  1. Chambers Ireland
  2. IBEC
  3. ISME
  4. Irish League of Credit Unions