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Minister Humphreys makes London Business Visit

The Minister for Business, Enterprise and Innovation, Heather Humphreys, today held a series of meetings with UK political counterparts and business representatives in London. The Minister also took the opportunity to meet a number of Enterprise Ireland clients ahead of joining the board of IDA who are also meeting in London.

As a part of her plan for Building Stronger Business and supporting firms facing the challenges of Brexit, Minister Heather Humphreys undertook a programme of political and business engagements in London today. Designed to reinforce bilateral trade and investment relations between Ireland and the UK. The Minister met Secretary of State for International Trade, Liam Fox, MP, and Minister Greg Hands, MP, at the Department for International Trade to discuss trade relations including between the EU and US; progress on EU trade negotiations; bilateral trade and investment issues.

The Minister said,

The UK is and will remain a key market for Irish firms, notwithstanding the challenges which any Brexit outcome will present.  It is vital that we intensify our engagement in the UK, to promote exports and secure investment.  Earlier this week I launched our Global Footprint plan with the Taoiseach, and I am determined that we continue to focus on the UK while we seek to diversify in new markets within the EU and beyond.

It was also important that I heard the voice of UK business, in meetings with the CBI (Confederation of British Industry) and the IOD (Institute of Directors) and crucially the experience of Irish firms working with Enterprise Ireland in the UK market.

The Minister also met with Minister Claire Perry, MP, at the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to share approaches to enterprise strategy especially in SMEs and fostering co-operation in research.

These are challenging times for business and international trade relations, and in all of my meetings today I emphasised my commitment to deepening our engagement with the UK as one of our most significant trading partners.