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Minister Humphreys welcomes court approval to carry out essential works at Nos. 14-17 Moore St

The Minister for Arts, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Heather Humphreys, has welcomed the decision of the High Court to grant approval for essential works proposed by her Department to protect and preserve the National Monument at Nos. 14-17 Moore Street.

Speaking today Minister Humphreys said:

“I am pleased that the High Court has granted approval for these essential works, which will help to safeguard the National Monument at Nos. 14-17, which is under my ownership and was the final headquarters of the 1916 Leaders.

“The buildings at Nos. 14-17 Moore Street are in a fragile state. The conservation works, which had gotten underway in November, have been halted.  I was concerned that in their current state, the buildings are at risk of damage and deterioration, and so my Department sought approval for urgent works to Nos. 14 – 17 Moore Street to preserve and protect the buildings until such time as a programme of permanent works can be implemented.

“The works will include, for example, putting a permanent roof on the buildings, works to windows and doors and underpinning works to better stabilise the buildings.

“I am continuing to consider the wider implications of the Moore Street judgement.”