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Minister Humphreys welcomes latest Policing Authority report on policing during COVID-19 crisis

  • Fourteenth report covers period of significant decrease in enforcement activity in line with easing of public health restrictions
  • Authority report on their outreach with domestic abuse support groups, LGBTI+ organisations and solicitors visiting clients in Garda stations


18 May 2021


The Minister for Justice, Heather Humphreys TD, has today welcomed the fourteenth Report from the Policing Authority on the performance by An Garda Síochána of its policing role in the support of the COVID-19 public health restrictions. This report examines a period of significant easing of the public health restrictions. 


Welcoming the report, Minister Humphreys said:


“I am grateful to the Policing Authority for their latest report on the performance of An Garda Síochána in policing the public health regulations. We are now at a critical point in our national response to the COVID pandemic as we relax some of the public health guidelines. The women and men of An Garda Síochána will continue to play a crucial role in supporting the Government’s public health guidelines. The Policing Authority, in reporting on policing performance, continue to offer reassurance to the public and guidance to An Garda Síochána during this exceptional period. The months ahead will bring added challenges for us all as we move into the next phase of our national action to deal with COVID-19 and I urge all citizens to continue to abide by those public health guidelines which remain in place.”


Over the course of the pandemic, the Policing Authority have maintained contact with a broad cross-section of civil society organisations to gauge the reception and attitude to An Garda Síochána and the public health guidelines. In preparing the current report, the Policing Authority have engaged with domestic abuse support groups and LGBTI+ organisations as well as with solicitors attending to clients in Garda Stations. 


The Minister added:


“I welcome in particular the findings of the Authority from their outreach to groups working with the victims of domestic abuse. It is of great concern to all of us that the incidences of recorded domestic abuse have been rising during the pandemic. Operation Faoiseamh has had a real impact with victims and represents a new multi-agency approach to engagement with a most vulnerable group of people. I would encourage anyone requiring urgent assistance or support, to please call 999 or 112, we are ‘STILL HERE’ to listen to help and to protect”




Notes for Editors:


  • Since the last report to the Minister 1,175 FCNs have been issued bringing total FCNs issued up to 9 May to 21,417.


  • Since FCNs were introduced to enforce COVID restrictions, people leaving their homes without a reasonable excuse have accounted for the largest reason for issuing FCNs, equating to 69% (14,791) of the total. Issuance of this category of FCNs ceased on 11 April as restrictions changed and a new category of FCN was introduced for “movement of persons” accounting for a further 1.5% (331) of total FCNs.


  • Approximately 4.3% (929) of FCNs were issued to organisers of events, in both non-dwellings and dwellings, while a further 14.5% (3,113) were issued to those who attended events in dwellings only. Non-wearing of face coverings accounted for just 1.8% (391).


  • FCNs for non-essential international travel accounted for 6.6% (1,424). This includes 256 which were issued after the fine was increased to €2,000.


  • FCNs for persons travelling into to the state who are not ordinarily resident remained at 2.0% of the total (438).


  • The total value of FCNs issued equates to approximately €3.6 million. 46% of FCNS issued have been paid to date, while 47% remain unpaid and either have or will result in court proceedings.


  • In addition to issuing FCNs, members of the Garda Síochána have reported using their powers 1,938 times since 8 April 2020. This is an increase of 236 on the figure provided in the Authority’s last report to the Minister.