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Minister Joe O’Brien Chairs First Meeting of Social Inclusion Roadmap Steering Group

Addressing the first meeting (virtual) of the Social Inclusion Roadmap Steering Group this morning, Joe O’Brien, T.D., Minister of State (and Chair of the Group) with responsibility for Social Inclusion, Community Development and Charities, outlined the Government’s commitment to tackle social inclusion:

“The Programme for Government is committed to implementing the Social Inclusion Roadmap and, as we continue to face the many challenges brought about by the Covid-19 pandemic, the Government will build to improve outcomes for individuals and families who are struggling on low incomes. I will also be asking the Steering Group to examine the issue of food poverty.

“The context has changed considerably since the Roadmap was published in January. Not just in the context of Covid, but also a new Programme for Government with additional commitments in the area of social inclusion. Also the principles of just transition and climate justice need to guide this roadmap and its development as a live document.”

The Steering Group comprises representatives from a number of Government Departments who have a responsibility for the delivery of the Roadmap for Social Inclusion, 2020: Ambition, Goals and Commitments, along with three external members from the Community and Voluntary Sector - Sr Bernadette McMahon from the Vincentian Partnership for Justice; Dr. Patricia Keilthy from the Society of St Vincent de Paul; and Paul Ginnell, from the European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) Ireland.

Minister O’Brien outlined the main aims of the Steering Group, which are:

- to reduce the number of people in consistent poverty in Ireland to 2% or less,
- to increase social inclusion for people who are most disadvantaged, and
- to make Ireland one of the most socially inclusive countries in the EU.

Referring to the recently published poverty data from the 2019 CSO Survey on Income and Living Conditions, Minister O’Brien spoke of the need for a concerted effort across Government to achieve significant reductions in poverty rates and to increase peoples’ access to resources and services. He acknowledged the scale of the challenge, stating that “the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in significant societal changes affecting the daily lives of everyone, as well as dramatic changes in employment levels” and said that he is looking forward to working with the Steering Group in addressing the many areas of poverty currently experienced by many people and children in Ireland at this time.