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Minister Kevin “Boxer” Moran outlines the significant progress being made in implementing the €10 million Athlone Flood Alleviation Scheme

Mr. Kevin “Boxer” Moran, Minister of State with responsibility for the Office of Public Works and Flood Relief, was in Athlone today to outline the progress being made in implementing the Athlone Flood Alleviation Scheme.

The Minister said,

This town has suffered over many years from flooding and from the threat of flooding and this Scheme will bring long awaited relief for the community of Athlone. The Scheme involves a programme of works with eight parcels of flood defences being delivered in a phased manner. Already, works are underway at the Quay and at Brick Island, with works nearing completion at Iona Park. Planning has been granted for the works at Marine View and the Strand with the works to commence in the third Quarter of 2018 and the first Quarter of 2019 respectively. Subject to planning approval, works will also be commenced at Deerpark, Golden Island and at the River Al (Cregan) at various stages during 2019.

The Minister said,

I am delighted with the partnership approach we have taken in Athlone where Westmeath County Council has taken on the role of advancing the Scheme through the planning process and OPW is providing the funding for the development and implementation of this Scheme with the works being undertaken directly by OPW’s own workforce.

The Minister expressed his satisfaction that the Scheme is progressing apace and said,

I am delighted to be here today to see the significant progress that is being made with the works in Athlone. This is a vital €10 million Government investment for the economic and social wellbeing of Athlone which will provide much needed protection for over 500 properties within Athlone. It is a credit to all of those involved with the project to be making such progress and I wish to thank Westmeath County Council, the consultants RPS and the staff of the OPW for their continuing commitment and effort in implementing this Scheme.

The Minister concluded,

The Government is providing investment of €1 billion on flood relief over the next decade under Project Ireland 2040, our national development plan and it is committed to ensuring that the planning and delivery of flood relief solutions is achieved in the shortest possible timeframe. I am satisfied that significant progress is being made in the implementation of the Athlone Flood Alleviation Scheme. In partnership with Westmeath County Council, I look forward to the delivery of this Scheme for the community of Athlone.