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Minister launches DAFM Online International Market Access Tool

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed, today (Friday) launched an online International market access information portal ahead of leading a significant Trade Mission to China this weekend.

This portal has been developed as part of the 7 Point Action Plan on Intensifying International Market Access , which is a key pillar of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s Brexit response measures, as well as the Market Development theme of the Food Wise strategy.

The Minister noted that:

‘in light of the recent announcement of access for beef to the Chinese market and the forthcoming trade mission to China, it is useful to reflect on the fact Irish food products are exported to around 180 destinations all across the world’.

The Minister said:

“Agri-food exports totalled €13.7 billion in 2017, an increase of 11% on 2016 levels according to the CSO. This represents a very wide range of commodities and products being exported to diverse countries all over the world. Therefore this new online portal provides a one-stop-shop for detailed market access and export information on open agri-food markets around the world.”

The portal initially will provide information across some of the major agricultural export sectors of dairy, meat, seafood and live animals. It will be reviewed on an on-going basis and additional categories added as the need is highlighted.

The information provided includes certification arrangements, exporter terms and conditions, individual country trading statistics and the typical products exported to individual markets. This information will be updated on an ongoing basis where there are changes in trading certifications or where new markets become open to export. The portal also contains specific email addresses per sector where further information may be requested.

The Minister concluded:

“This portal will be a very valuable tool for our producers and exporters. As a major part of our ongoing response to the challenges posed by Brexit, our market access efforts continue to progress across a range of areas. As new markets are opened or certification conditions are changed, this will of course be reflected by the necessary changes to the web portal.”