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Minister Madigan announces 2 million euro in grant awards under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2018

The Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan, today announced that 370 heritage projects across the country have been awarded funding under the Built Heritage Investment Scheme 2018.

The scheme will provide a €2 million euro investment in 2018 for the repair and conservation of historic structures. 

The BHIS provides funding for works to protected structures in private and public ownership. The grants awarded range from €2,500 to €15,000 per project.

Of the 370 structures awarded funding, many are historic places of worship and residences. A number are for re-thatching of buildings of special interest and there are repairs to follies, cathedrals, mills and forges among the successful projects.

These grants have been awarded following assessments by local authorities who accepted applications from members of the public and put recommended projects forward to the Minister for approval.

Speaking today the Minister said:

“This investment will support the owners and custodians of protected structures in every local authority area across the country as they carry out small-scale, labour-intensive projects to repair and conserve our historic built environment. The projects will improve the appearance and condition of heritage buildings and will also support local jobs in conservation, traditional skills and construction.


Historic buildings are important to communities who have a great sense of pride in their built heritage. These grants will help to regenerate towns and rural areas and will come as a welcome boost to those charged with looking after our heritage properties.


Our heritage is a vital part of our cultural landscape. I am delighted to be able to continue our investment in protecting it for the future.”