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Minister Madigan announces appointments to the Board of the National Museum of Ireland (NMI)

The Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan, has today (19 November 2018) announced the appointment to the Board National Museum of Ireland of:

  • Ms Helen Shenton: Librarian and College Archivist in Trinity College Dublin
  • Dr Linda King: Member of academic staff of the Institute of Art, Design and Technology at Dun Laoghaire 
  • Mr Paolo Viscardi: Curator in NMI’s Natural History Division with an expertise in Zoology. Mr Viscardi is the staff representative on the Board. 

The appointments follow a public call for applications on and the applications received were then the subject of an assessment process. The staff representative was appointed in accordance with the process set out in Section 19 of the National Cultural Institutions Act, 1997. Each of the appointments is for a five year term.

Commenting on the appointments, Minister Madigan said:

I wish to congratulate Ms. Shenton, Dr. King and Mr. Viscardi on their appointment to the Board of the National Museum of Ireland and record my appreciation to them for assuming these essential roles.