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Minister Madigan announces funding for Small Scale Local Festivals and Summer Schools

The Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, Josepha Madigan, T.D., has today announced a funding allocation of €54,700 to support Small Scale Local Festivals and Summer Schools taking place around Ireland in 2020.

The Scheme is designed to assist local cultural events which may not be eligible under funding criteria for larger scale events such as those supported by Fáilte Ireland, the Arts Council and similar bodies. The closing date for applications was the 24th April 2020. Funding was allocated following a competitive applications process, with a maximum grant of €5,000 available.

Projects to be funded this year are a mix of online initiatives and 'in real life' events to be delivered to a domestic audience in line with general public health guidance. The intention is to add to the cultural content assisted by the Department and create a cultural space relevant to both local interest and a wider community.

This list of successful applicants is below.

Speaking today Minister Madigan said:

It is important to support local cultural events and activities as all culture, in essence, starts locally with the people and is reinforced and developed through the community. This is especially important at the present time where many people may be feeling isolated and alone.

The organisations funded under this scheme have shown great resilience and adaptability in the planning of their projects and the events will have a positive effect on the wellbeing of the attendees lucky enough to get to enjoy them. It is hoped that events supported through the scheme will bring a sense of local culture home while staying apart and a much needed sense of cultural community and closeness.