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Minister Madigan launches €4.3m fund for conservation and repair of Ireland’s protected historic structures

Josepha Madigan TD, Minister for Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, today (14 November) launched the Built Heritage Investment Scheme and the Historic Structures Fund for 2020. Both schemes will be open for applications until 31 January 2020.

Making the announcement, Minister Madigan said,

It gives me great pleasure to launch the 2020 built heritage schemes, which are now open for applications. Together, these two schemes represent a combined investment by my Department of up to €4.3 million to support hundreds of built heritage projects across the country in 2020.

In line with the commitment to increase the resilience of our heritage resources in my Department’s recently published Climate Change Adaptation Plan for the Built and Archaeological Heritage’, the Minister said, ‘I have introduced a new stream of funding to the Built Heritage Investment Stream this year for minor repair works and routine maintenance. Maintenance is identified as a cost-effective way to increase resilience to both current stressors and the impact of future climate change.

As in previous years, the Built Heritage Investment Scheme and the Historic Structures Fund will support the owners and custodians of protected structures in every local authority area across the country as they carry out hundreds of small-scale, labour-intensive projects to repair and conserve our historic built environment. The projects will also provide vital support – and in some cases, training – for local jobs in conservation, traditional skills and construction.

The funding announced by the Minister today includes up to €2.5 million in Exchequer funding for the Built Heritage Investment Scheme and up to €1.8 million for the Historic Structures Fund. Applications open from today until 31 January 2020. This Exchequer funding will attract matching funds, yielding a total investment in our built heritage of over €8 million in 2020. Details of the schemes and how to apply are available on all local authority websites and the Department’s website, here.

Minister Madigan made today’s announcement at Clonskeagh Castle in Dublin, which received €15,000 through the 2019 Historic Structures Fund towards repairs of its roof.

Speaking at the launch, the Minister said

projects like this demonstrate the value of investing in our skilled craftspeople and protecting and preserving our built heritage. Last year, the BHIS and HSF supported over 400 projects, spanning our built heritage across the country – from the repairs carried out here at Clonskeagh Castle, to an early twentieth-century cinema organ in Limerick to a Napoleonic gun battery in Donegal.

As well as supporting the owners and inhabitants of historic buildings in maintaining and protecting their properties, these grants also contribute to the regeneration of wider communities.

I am delighted to be able to continue investing in our built heritage. My officials will be contacting all Local Authorities in the coming days, advising them of scheme details for 2020. The grant schemes will be advertised on all Local Authority websites and on the Department’s website.