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Minister Marcella Corcoran Kennedy opens Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force Conference ‘Alcohol in Ireland – Getting the Measure of It’

Minister Marcella Corcoran Kennedy opens Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Force Conference ‘Alcohol in Ireland – Getting the Measure of It’
Minister for Health Promotion, Marcella Corcoran Kennedy TD, today opened the ‘Alcohol in Ireland – Getting the Measure of It’ conference. The seminar was organised by the Regional Drug and Alcohol Task Forces and was chaired by Professor Joe Barry.

The conference, funded by POBAL, aims to build the capacity of the Regional Drugs and Alcohol Task Forces and community stakeholders to respond to the issue of alcohol misuse. Speakers at the conference included Dr Shane Butler, Dr Suzi Lyons, Dr Adam Winstock and Ms Suzanne Costelloe.

Speaking at the seminar, Minister Corcoran Kennedy Minister commented, ‘There is a clear need for action at all levels of society if we are to succeed in reducing alcohol-related harm. The Public Health (Alcohol) bill will hopefully act as a powerful enabler towards a healthier relationship with alcohol in Ireland. The Bill is a bold first step in the right direction, and I'm glad to have the support of the European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety as we move forward with the legislation.'

The Minister also acknowledged the central role that Drug and Alcohol Task Forces play in coordinating the response to substance misuse at a local level and encouraged people to engage in the new National Drugs Strategy Public Consultation which ends on 18th October 2016.