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Minister Marcella Corcoran Kennedy supports National Breastfeeding Week

This week is National Breastfeeding Week, and the campaign message from the HSE is ‘Every Breastfeed makes a Difference’.

Minister Marcella Corcoran Kennedy, speaking about the importance of National Breastfeeding Week, said: "Breastfeeding is the best start you can give your baby. Every feed is good for your baby's health and your own, and the benefits will last for your child all their life."

To celebrate National Breastfeeding Week, the HSE has a number of new resources at

Email a question to a Lactation Consultant via the HSE "Ask our Expert" service or through Webchat
A new HSE Breastfeeding Facebook page, which provides a community of support with information and tips from the Ask our Expert Lactation Consultants.
New Irish breastfeeding videos, which provide guidance for mothers on topics such as positioning and attaching baby; expressing milk and what to expect in the early days

These are a great source of information, support and friendships. The HSE’s aim is that the new supports will reach more families and improve access to user friendly breastfeeding help and information.

In Ireland 57% of mothers are breastfeeding their babies on discharge from maternity hospital. In the first few days and weeks at home, mothers may experience challenges which often prompt them to stop breastfeeding sooner than they planned. All families should know that there is breast feeding support out there from the maternity services, public health nurses and voluntary breastfeeding organisations in the community.

Minister Corcoran welcomed the new HSE resources, saying ‘I breastfed my own children, and I know it's not easy in the beginning. However, there's plenty of help, support and information available and I really hope that new mums and dads will take it on board."