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Minister Martin hosts first Night-time Economy Taskforce

Today, Catherine Martin TD, the Department of Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht hosted the first meeting of the Night-time Economy Taskforce. She has tasked representatives from across a range of Government departments, agencies and groups to develop policy recommendations and practical measures for a vibrant and sustainable night-time culture and economy.

Speaking today, Minister Martin said:

I have challenged this Taskforce to identify opportunities to develop our night-time culture and economy and find solutions to the current obstacles for those working in, and engaging with, this sector.

Given the current Covid-19 restrictions and their impact on our society and culture, we are taking the opportunity to examine how we can help our night-time culture and economy to recover when the economy opens up again.  I was pleased to see the creative thinking and innovative solutions beginning to emerge from the Taskforce today which represents a leap forward in the work undertaken to date. Sunil Sharpe of ‘Give us the Night’ and the Lord Mayors of Dublin and Cork cities gave informative presentations today to the Taskforce of their vision and work to date on this initiative. 

While the views of many of the key interest groups are well known and included in the work of the Taskforce, a consultation process was agreed today to ensure that as many views as possible are considered and a holistic approach is taken to the creation of a vibrant night-time economy and culture.

Minister Martin also said:

We are living in a changing landscape which brings its own serious challenges, so I have asked the Taskforce to report back to me within six months with a series of policy recommendations and practical measures to enable our cities, towns and villages develop new opportunities and grow their night-time culture and economy.

The Night-time Economy Taskforce is a key commitment in the Programme for Government and is being chaired by the Department of Media, Tourism, Arts, Culture, Sport and the Gaeltacht. It follows work already carried out in relation to this project in 2019 and earlier this year.