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Minister McConalogue announces commencement of Advance Payments for Sheep Welfare Scheme

Minister McConalogue announces commencement of Advance Payments for Sheep Welfare Scheme

€14.7 million issuing to over 18,000 sheep farmers

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue, T.D., today announced the commencement of advance payments under year four of the Sheep Welfare Scheme. 

The Minister stated, “I am pleased to announce that a total of €14.7 million is today issuing to some 18,200 farmers participating in the Sheep Welfare Scheme. The scheme reflects the commitment of the Government to the sheep sector in Ireland and provides a significant financial boost to the individual farmers and the sheep sector in general.”

The Minister added “I am also happy to confirm that in the recent budgetary process, I secured funding for an additional year of the Sheep Welfare Scheme as we enter the CAP transitional period.  The additional year of the Scheme will be opening in the February 2021 and, as in previous years, there will be an opportunity for new entrants to the sector to join the scheme.”

Minister McConalogue confirmed the rate for the advance payment is set at 85%.  The Scheme is co-funded by the European Union as part of Ireland’s Rural Development Programme, 2014-2020. As in previous years, the 15% balancing payment will be paid in the second quarter of next year.

In concluding, the Minister urged any farmers with outstanding queries to respond to the Department immediately in order to facilitate payment.