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Minister McConalogue announces that Beef Taskforce will meet later this month

Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, today announced that the fourth meeting of the Beef Taskforce which will take place in late  September by video conference.  


Minister McConalogue commented,

I have had constructive engagements with both beef farming and industry stakeholders since taking office, and I am well aware of the crucial role that the beef sector plays in the rural economy. The Taskforce, chaired by Michael Dowling, provides a forum for detailed engagement on key issues facing the beef sector, and Is particularly important in progressing the commitments made by all stakeholders in the Beef Sector Agreement a year ago.’


Key points for discussion at the meeting will include the draft application for PGI status for Irish grass-fed beef; and progress on the market transparency studies being conducted  by Grant Thornton.


Agreed minutes and relevant update documents will be published on DAFM’s website as soon as available: