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Minister McConalogue confirms TAMS deadline extension

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., has confirmed that the closing date for the next tranche of the Targeted Agricultural Modernisation Scheme (TAMS) will be extended.

The next tranche of TAMS, the 20th tranche, will open for applications on Saturday 14th November next and with an initial deadline for applications of 31st December. However, as the closing date falls during the Christmas period, Minister McConalogue has secured an extension to the closing date. The new deadline will be the middle of January.

Commenting on the extension to the deadline, Minister McConalogue said,

The next tranche of TAMS will open on Saturday 14th November. I am now proposing a new closing date of mid-January. We will clearly communicate the details of TAMS Tranche 20 to the relevant stakeholders in the coming weeks.

The extension will ensure that both farmers and their advisors have the required time to cmplete all the necessary paperwork and will not be under pressure to complete applications. I am advising farmers and their advisors to use this time wisely and not to leave applications until the last minute.

The Minister concluded,

TAMS has been a hugely successful and beneficial scheme since its inception. It has delivered key modernisation, environmental and safety improvements on thousands of farms while also boosting local economies in the construction phase of developments. There are still a considerable amount of outstanding approvals out there with farmers and I would urge them to conclude the investment work and apply for the payment as soon as possible. Any farmer looking to receive their grant by the end of the year should work with their advisor immediately to submit their payment claim now.