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Minister McConalogue highlights Brexit preparations at Food Wise 2025 High Level Implementation Committee

Minister McConalogue highlights Brexit preparations at Food Wise 2025 High Level Implementation Committee

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue TD, yesterday chaired the 29th meeting of the Food Wise 2025 High Level Implementation Committee (HLIC) where Brexit preparations, the economic implications of COVID-19 for the sector, and progress on the new Agri-food Strategy to 2030 were discussed.

Minister McConalogue said, “In relation to Brexit, it is important that my Department and the State Agencies are ready to support the sector, no matter what the outcome of the ongoing negotiations. Planning and preparations started some years ago and I am confident that we are as ready as we can be given the unprecedented circumstances. I would again urge all businesses who have not yet prepared for the significant changes that are ahead to engage with the supports and the advice that is available.”

The meeting also discussed ongoing arrangements in dealing with the effects of the pandemic, including a report on recent trade missions that were held virtually. The Committee also heard of the progress on developing the new Agri-food Strategy to 2030.

The Minister concluded, “Despite the current challenges we face, I remain ambitious for the long-term sustainable development of the agri-food and fisheries sector and the 2030 strategy will look beyond the current challenges. However, for now, it is important that we navigate the coming weeks and months carefully.’’