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Minister McConalogue re-iterates the importance of REAP deadlines

The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Charlie McConalogue T.D., earlier this year opened a call for applications under the Results Based Environment Agri Pilot Project (REAP). The project saw an enthusiastic response from farmers that resulted in the approval of just under 5,000 participants.
REAP is a pilot project designed to trial the results-based model across the country and to test the feasibility of upscaling the model as part of the next national agri-environment scheme to follow on from GLAS. The project is a key step in the delivery of the Department’s Agriculture, Food and the Marine Action Plan 2021.

Land brought into REAP must be assessed and scored by Department trained REAP Advisors. Year one assessments are currently well underway to establish land environmental and biodiversity status. Advisors are working to identify suitable REAP fields in an exercise that could bring up to 46,000 hectares into the project. In conjunction with advisors, farmers will undertake environmental improvement works to increase the environmental value of their land and improving their environmental score in 2022. Farms with the highest scoring will receive the greatest payment.
To participate in the project and avoid penalties, REAP assessments and land scorings must be submitted to the Department’s GLAM system by advisors by the August 15th deadline.

Minister McConalogue said:

“I am delighted that the REAP project is now well underway. This project will prepare Irish agriculture to engage in the results-based approach which I expect to feature in the new CAP. The incentive-based approach will support farmers in the delivery of environmental benefits. REAP also supports farm incomes by providing up to €12,600 to participating farms over the term of the REAP contract. To ensure the success of REAP, all participants and their Advisors are reminded to submit their field assessments and scoring details to the Department by the August 15th deadline.”
The full details of REAP can be found at - Results Based Environment Agri Pilot Programme (REAP) ( of the Department’s Agriculture, Food and the Marine Action Plan 2021 can be found at - Statement of Strategy 2021 - 2024 (