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Minister McEntee extends her condolences to the families of individuals recently deceased by suicide in Cork

Minister McEntee today wished to extend her condolences to the families of individuals recently deceased by suicide in Cork. The Minister visited Cork and was fully briefed by the HSE on close collaboration with other public and voluntary bodies in the city. Minster Mc Entee visited St. Mary's Health Campus in Gurranabraher to see the support work going on in the area of primary, community and social care. The Minister commended the response of the HSE and work of the voluntary sector and other service providers in the area at this particular time.

Minister McEntee also recommended caution around the reporting of recent statistics of persons who may have taken their own lives in Cork. It is important to ensure that the focus is maintained on directing a service response to the most vulnerable and to those people where there may be any ongoing risk. She urged any person who may be experiencing suicidal ideation to contact their GP or attend the nearest emergency department immediately, or avail of the 24 hour Samaritan phone line service on 116 123 or the Pieta House services in Cork on 021 4341400. Pieta House Cork is open Monday to Thursday 9am to 8pm, Friday 9am to 6pm, and Saturday 10am to 2pm.