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Minister McEntee launches the Meath Age Friendly Strategy 2017-2020

Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People Helen McEntee TD today launched the Meath Age Friendly Strategy 2017-2020.  The Meath Age Friendly County Programme was launched in 2011, is hosted under the leadership of the Meath County Council, and is supported by Age Friendly Ireland.

An age friendly county is a place where more and more older people can stay living in their own homes and communities, lead healthy and active lives, get to where they want to go, when they want to go, and are valued contributors to the lives of their communities.

Speaking at the launch, Minister McEntee thanked all of those who were involved in the drafting of the Strategy and said, “I amdelighted to be here today to launch the Meath Age Friendly Strategy 2017-2020.  Growing old should never be considered as a burden on society, as the knowledge, experience and skill sets acquired over a lifetime are invaluable.  The voices and views of older people should be heard when bringing about changes which will have a direct impact on their quality of life.  Meath has certainly been to the fore when it comes to recognising the changes that can be made to ensure that our older citizens - our neighbours, our friends, our families - are enabled to live as full lives as possible.   I am delighted with the real and tangible improvements that have been made in Meath under the Age Friendly Initiative and which are making it possible for older people to engage more fully within their community and importantly, enhancing their quality of life.  I would like to wish you all continued success in the future in continuing to make Meath a great place in which to grow old, and making it a truly age friendly place to live.”