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Minister McEntee launches the Samaritans Ireland Impact Report

Minister of State for Mental Health and Older People, Helen McEntee TD today launched the Samaritans Annual Impact Report 2015-2016 in Buswells Hotel. This report showcases the breadth of work that has been done over the past year, including the variety of supports that are offered to those in need, with phone, text, email and face-to-face support services. The Samaritans answered 639,652 calls for help over the last 12 months.

Speaking at the launch, Minister McEntee highlighted the excellent work of the volunteers that are behind these services: ‘These volunteers ensure that those in distress can pick up the phone and speak to a friendly voice, no matter the day or the hour. This is especially important over this festive period. At a time where many of us will be spending time with our loved ones, volunteers will be scheduling shifts to comfort people in distress.’

Anybody in need can avail of the Samaritans services by calling the 24 hour Helpline 116 123; by email on; or by visiting for details of the nearest branch.