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Minister McEntee launches Updated IBEC Health & Wellbeing Managers’ Guide

Helen McEntee TD, Minister of State at the Department of Health, on Friday launched the updated version of the IBEC Mental Health and Wellbeing Managers’ Guide.

At the launch, she said, “It is appropriate that we are talking about the promotion of positive mental health, here in the workplace, as looking after ourselves starts in the community, amongst our peers and colleagues. Talking about our mental health should become as normal as talking about a physical injury or illness – by doing this we will
encourage each other to seek help and prevent our problems becoming worse.”

She added that the guide had “obvious benefits for employees and employer. Employees benefit through lower incidences of chronic health problems, reduced stress and improved mental health outcomes while the employer benefits in terms of better rates of employee retention, reduced absence rates due to ill health and increased productivity.”