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Minister McEntee welcomes restoration of Mental Health and Home Help funding for 2016

The new Minister for Mental Health and Older People Helen McEntee T.D. has today welcomed the news from the Cabinet that the Revised Estimates process for 2016 will see a restoration in the 2016 allocation for Mental Health and Home Help hours.

"The reinstatement of the full 2016 provision of €35m in new development money will allow much needed service priorities in mental health to be progressed. Along with initiatives already planned such as early intervention counselling in Primary Care for under 18s; new Jigsaw sites in Dublin, Cork and Limerick; more streamlined services for the Homeless with mental health problems; and the development of Perinatal Mental Health services, the additional funding will also enable further recruitment to priority posts across the mental health sector and the ongoing development of community mental health teams." Minister McEntee said.

"Upon taking office a few short weeks ago, my main priority was to listen to the concerns of both service users and those providing the service. One of the very clear messages from them, coupled with public concern, was to see the mental health budget for 2016 restored, and rightly so. This will now happen after today's Cabinet meeting passing the Revised Estimates. Details on where this money will be spent will be outlined at a later stage"

"Home help hours are a vital life line for our older isolated people in both urban and rural areas, and help them live their lives in dignity in their home and community. I am glad that with additional financial support the Home Help hours provided in 2016 will not be cut as had been feared" she added.

Minister McEntee concluded by saying: "I want to thank my senior colleague in the Department of Health Minister Simon Harris T.D., and his Cabinet colleagues, for taking on board my concerns and prioritising these important areas in the Revised Estimates process. There is always more that can be done in these crucial areas, but today represents a step in the right direction."