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Minister McGrath appoints Regional Assemblies to ERDF Managing Authority Role(s)

Minister McGrath appoints Regional Assemblies to ERDF Managing Authority Role(s)


The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform Michael McGrath TD, has announced today (Thursday), that there will be two operational programmes with the Regional Assemblies acting as Managing Authorities for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Operational Programmes for the 2021 – 2027 programming period. Ireland is likely to receive €350m in ERDF funding in the period 2021-2027.

Reflecting the two different EU classifications of the development status of different regions in Ireland,  the Regional Development Model will  create two Operational Programmes:  1. The area designated as ‘Region in Transition’, (as its GDP is 75%-100% of the EU27 average), is to be managed by the Northern Western Regional Assembly (NWRA) 2. The two regions designated as ‘More Developed’, (as the GDP in each of the regions is over 100% of the EU average), is to be managed by the Southern Regional Assembly (SRA), with significant collaboration from the Eastern Midlands Regional Assembly.

The ERDF Operational Programmes are developed under an EU Partnership model, with extensive consultation involving social partners and voluntary groups. This  will set out how the ERDF funding allocation will be spent and implemented for the 2021-27 period.  Alongside the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform, the Managing Authority will assist in the drafting the ERDF Operational Programmes.  The MAs will monitor implementation on the ground as well as managing projects  compliance with EU Regulations and submitting claims for up to 60% of the cost.

Speaking about the appointment Minister McGrath said:

“I welcome the continued relationship with the three Regional Assemblies for the next round of ERDF funding. This well-established programme has delivered real practical benefits for communities throughout Ireland such as co-funding the roll out of broadband services, the Better Energy Warmer Homes Scheme and scientific innovation initiatives amongst many others.

The new round of funding over the next 7 years will be put to very good use to support sustainable employment opportunities, combat social exclusion, promote research and development and develop an environmentally friendly and resource-efficient economy.

Driving balanced regional development is a core goal for Government.  The ERDF Operational Programme is a key mechanism to stimulate regional economic growth in Ireland by investing in growth-enhancing sectors to improve competitiveness and create jobs and we intend to maximise its impact."