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Minister McGrath publishes Project Ireland 2040 Updates

Minister McGrath publishes Project Ireland 2040 Updates

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD, has today launched an updated Investment Projects and Programmes Tracker and MyProjectIreland interactive map.

This suite of material underlines the steady progress being made in the implementation of Project Ireland 2040. The Government has signalled a clear commitment to infrastructure as a response to the economic situation caused by Covid-19, with Budget 2021 allocating over €10 billion to capital investment. The National Development Plan, part of Project Ireland 2040, is currently being reviewed – information from the tracker and map is key to informing the Review.

The Tracker was first published in 2017. This latest update provides a composite update on the progress of all major investments that make up Project Ireland 2040. It focuses on projects with estimated costs greater than €20 million. Today’s update increases the coverage of projects and improves the functionality, again including user-friendly dashboards and other information to aid interpretation of the data.

MyProjectIreland was launched in May 2019 alongside the first Project Ireland 2040 Annual Report. Developed in collaboration with Ordnance Survey Ireland, MyProjectIreland is a citizen-focussed interactive map – this update has been extended to include almost 800 projects across the country. By clicking on the map on, citizens will find updated information on what has been achieved and what is planned for their own local area. This version features a dashboard with charts, allowing citizens to see the progress being made on projects at a glance. New search facilities also allow citizens to view projects in their regional area or by city.

Minister McGrath said –
‘As clearly demonstrated by today’s launch, significant progress is being made in the delivery of Project Ireland 2040. Hosted on, the Tracker and Map provide citizens with in-depth information on what is going on in their town, city, county, province or region. The information presented demonstrates that Government recognises that infrastructure investment is key to the economic and social recovery of our country’.

The Minister added that
“Project Ireland 2040 is enhancing regional connectivity and competitiveness, improving environmental sustainability and building a fairer, more equal Ireland for everyone. We need to maintain and build on the momentum already achieved, and be flexible and innovative to ensure delivery for all our people, now and in the future. I recently launched a review of the National Development Plan. As part of this review, I will be engaging with the public and with stakeholders in every part of the country. The tracker and map being launched today will help people to make an informed contribution to the public consultation process.”


Notes for Editors: 

1. Investment Projects and Programmes Tracker
The Investment Projects and Programmes Tracker was first published in 2017 and updated in late 2018 and January 2020, with information for all Project Ireland 2040 projects and programmes over €20m. The functionality of the user interface includes a dashboard which automatically generates a number of summary charts and tables.

2. MyProjectIreland map viewer
Phase 1 of the MyProjectIreland map viewer went live in May 2019 alongside the publication of the first Project Ireland 2040 Annual Report. The first iteration of the interactive mapping tool provided details on over 500 projects across Ireland, ranging from small-scale investments to the largest projects included in the capital programme. The Viewer is hosted on, again in collaboration with Ordnance Survey Ireland. The second phase launched in January 2020 included over 600 projects, with this third phase including almost 800 projects. Citizens can search on mobile or PC with user friendly search facilities including by eircode, city, county and regional area. This phase includes a dashboard, allowing project status to be viewed at a glance.