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Minister McGrath welcomes the publication of the Final Progress Report on Our Public Service 2020 – the framework for development and innovation in the Public Service

The Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform, Michael McGrath TD, today (21st of April 2021), launched the Final Progress Report for Our Public Service 2020 – the Government’s framework for development and innovation in the Public Service.

Our Public Service 2020 is built on three pillars:

• Delivering for Our Public
• Innovating for Our Future
• Developing Our People and Organisations

As well as new initiatives, the OPS2020 framework extends many reforms already in place or in development within the public service. Notably, it provides for a strengthened and innovative governance structure, spearheaded by a Public Service Leadership Board (PSLB) with representation at Secretary General/CEO level from across the public service, to provide overall leadership of, and commitment to, on-going public service development and innovation.
Full details of these arrangements are set out in the Final Progress Report.
The period covered by this Second and Final Progress Report is most notable for the sudden outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, which has transformed the environment in which the public service operates and presented unprecedented challenges.

Welcoming the publication of the Final Progress Report, Minister McGrath said:

"I am pleased to note the significant further progress that has been achieved under the Our Public Service 2020 reform agenda set out in this Final Progress Report.

"In particular, I wish to acknowledge again the extraordinary response of our public servants and their organisations to the challenges posed by the Covid-19 pandemic. We can be proud of the great work that has been, and continues to be, undertaken during this public health emergency".

"I am particularly impressed by a number of initiatives which will pay dividends in the years ahead including the new eProbate online and a Geographic Information System app developed by Local Authorities for data collection and reporting on extreme events related to climate change. These are some examples amongst numerous others of a public service that is evolving rapidly and has a relentless focus on provideing services in a user friendly, accessible way.

"It is noteworthy that the Pandemic Unemployment Payment was developed and delivered such that people received their income entitlements in a timely and efficient manner."

Commenting further, Minister McGrath said:

"Collating and evaluating the speed and quality of responses in different public service organisations and sectors to the Covid-19 pandemic will be invaluable in helping us navigate the post-pandemic environment.

"Even after we have emerged from the pandemic, as a small country with one of the world’s most open economies Ireland will remain susceptible to global uncertainty and change. Operating in such an environment is a challenge for both business and society, but it also represents an opportunity for the Public Service to demonstrate ambitious leadership, enabled by high performing, innovative organisations capable of identifying, assessing and responding to change and uncertainty.

"I am acutely aware that it is also very important that we make further progress on incorporating equality, diversity and inclusing strategies at all levels of the public service."


Notes for Editors

Our Public Service 2020 - Final Progress Report
Our Public Service 2020 is the Government’s policy framework for development and innovation within the public service. It builds on previous reform programmes while expanding the scope of reform to focus on collaboration, innovation and evaluation. For more information on the framework visit here.

The Second and Final Progress Report details the further progress made across the OPS2020 agenda over 2019 and 2020 since the First Progress Report issued. Notable developments covered include:
• Publication of the new over-arching Public Service Innovation Strategy – ‘Making Innovation Real’;
• Publication of approximately 25 case studies on customer service best practice;
• Development of a procurement framework for Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to enable all public service bodies draw down RPA services from an agreed supplier, saving significant time and money;
• Establishment of a significant Public Service Innovation Fund to encourage innovation in public bodies and promote collaboration as well as new and better approaches to service delivery;
• Development of a ‘Public Service Innovation Scorecard’ digital assessment tool to help bodies assess where they currently are in terms of innovation, identify gaps in their approach, and understand where they can get support;
• Publication of a Public Service Handbook for Programme and Project Management;
• Roll-out of a suite of learning and development interventions to support leaders across the public service including a ‘Masterclass in Innovation’ series;
• Publication of the OPS2020 Selected Indicators and Trends Report, which maps a range of existing indicators to the three pillars of OPS2020; and
• Development of a Statement of Principles for Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in the Public Service.

A range of case studies under each of OPS2020’s pillars illustrate how the principles of the framework are carried into practice on the ground by public service bodies (a number relate to the circumstances of the Covid-19 pandemic). The case study themes include:
• A new simplified application process for unemployed support during the Covid-19 pandemic;
• The Local Authorities’ Community Call Initiatives use of Eircodes to Provide Community Assistance;
• The Revenue and the Courts Service (Probate Office) new eProbate online service;
• The Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine’s engagement with farming families in order to prepare them for the fully online application process for receipt of the EU Basic Payment Scheme;
• A new Geographic Information System (GIS) app developed by Local Authorities for data collection and reporting on extreme events related to climate change;
• The development of the Public Appointments Service’s strategy on equality, diversity and inclusion (ED&I).

Claire Godkin - Press Officer, Department of Public Expenditure and Reform - 085 806 3969