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Minister McHugh convenes Inter-Departmental discussions on Human Rights

Minister of State for the Diaspora and International Development at the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Joe McHugh, TD, today chaired the first meeting of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Human Rights since the formation of the government.

Speaking today, Minister McHugh said:

“I was delighted to have a first meeting with members of the Inter-Departmental Committee on Human Rights today.

“Human rights are central to every aspect of the Government’s work at home and abroad. This Committee provides an excellent framework for cross-Departmental cooperation which is key to the development and delivery of Ireland’s foreign policy priorities on human rights as set out in The Global Island.”

At today’s meeting, the Committee discussed the status of reports from Ireland required under United Nations and Council of Europe treaty obligations. Committee members also provided updates on progress towards the ratification of a number of international human rights treaties including the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Minister McHugh availed of the opportunity to brief on the finalisation of Ireland’s first National Plan on Business and Human Rights which will facilitate the implementation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.

The establishment of the Inter-Departmental Committee is one of the outcomes of the “The Global Island: Ireland’s Foreign Policy for a Changing World”, which was launched in January 2015.

The objective of the Committee is to improve the coherence of the promotion and protection of human rights in Ireland’s Foreign Policy. It is also mandated with assisting progress towards ratification by Ireland of key international human rights treaties and reporting to the United Nations and Council of Europe human rights monitoring bodies.