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Minister Michael D’Arcy travels to Asia to promote Ireland’s Financial Services Sector and the 2018 European Financial Forum

Minister of State for Financial Services, Michael D’Arcy TD, today (Monday) departs for an intensive seven-day programme in Singapore, Shanghai and Hong Kong to advance Irish trade links across Asia and to promote Ireland’s international financial services sector.

The overall focus of the visit will be the promotion of the international financial services sector in Ireland, with a particular focus on IDA and Enterprise Ireland clients in all three destinations.  The visit will also provide an opportunity to engage with Asian media outlets.

Coinciding with the final lead-in to the forthcoming European Financial Forum in Dublin Castle, the visit will provide an opportunity for the Minister to promote Ireland as a location for financial services-related foreign direct investment and to build contacts with key influencers in the three cities visited.  While in Hong Kong, Minister D’Arcy will attend key sessions at the Asian Financial Forum.

Speaking ahead of his departure Minister D’Arcy said:

“My aim is to highlight Ireland’s capability, global offering and growing reputation as a hub for specialist international financial services. I look forward to building on the excellent work of our Embassies and trade agencies to enhance existing links and open up new opportunities in these markets.”

“The Government’s IFS 2020 Strategy, now in its fourth year, is driving the growth of international financial services in Ireland and we are on track to achieve the target of adding 10,000 jobs to the sector by end-2019. Key to this is capturing new opportunities in a changing marketplace and embracing the highest standards of governance.”

“I look forward to promoting Ireland in these target markets. It provides a great opportunity to showcase our unique financial services' offerings - our market access, our educated workforce, the increasing depth and sophistication of our indigenous financial services' sector and the readiness and capability of the sector to meet the challenges of the years ahead.”