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Minister Mitchell O’ Connor travels to UK to meet higher education counterpart Minister Gyimah

The Minister of State for Higher Education, Mary Mitchell O Connor, today (Tuesday, 25 September) met with Minister of State for Universities, Science, Research and Innovation Gyimah to discuss current developments in higher education in Ireland and the UK. 

Minister Mitchell O’Connor took the opportunity to appraise Minister Gyimah of the on-going reform of the higher education system in Ireland, including the planned establishment of the Technological University Dublin as well as the review of the Higher Education Authority Act.

On Brexit, both Ministers reiterated their commitment to maintaining the Common Travel Area, which, amongst other things, ensures reciprocal rights to access education at all levels for Irish and British citizens in each other’s countries.  They noted the current flow of higher education students between both jurisdictions, and expressed their commitment to ensuring that Irish and UK citizens will continue to avail of this mobility.  Its contribution to cultural and educational understanding was also recognised by the Ministers.  To this end, they agreed that their officials will continue to work together to ensure that this access will be maintained after the UK’s withdrawal from the EU.

Minister Mitchell O’Connor said

We as a government have a desire to maintain the existing level of research collaboration between higher education institutions in Ireland and the UK, as well as noting its importance to the maintenance of the excellent international reputation and standing currently enjoyed by institutions in both jurisdictions.