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Minister Murphy reaffirms Ireland's support for fundamental values in address to OSCE Ministerial Council, Hamburg, 8-9 December 2016

Minister Dara Murphy TD is attending the OSCE Ministerial Council which is being held in Hamburg on 8-9 December 2016.

In his address to the Council, Minister Murphy underlined the key role of the OSCE as a forum for the promotion of dialogue.

Acknowledging the current security environment, he urged the OSCE to address the challenges it faces with renewed vigour. The Minister also stressed Ireland's support for the promotion of fundamental values across the OSCE region.

“At a time of questioning, it is essential that we recognize the core truth that the unprecedented period of peace and prosperity in Europe has been built on a foundation of cooperation and respect for the fundamental principles of human rights and international law. The Helsinki Final Act and the Charter of Paris were built on this core truth, and we must keep it constantly in mind.”

The Minister added that:

“We need to reaffirm our commitment to universal human rights. States and societies that suppress human rights are building problems for the future. Freedom of assembly and expression, in particular, are essential to the creation of modern, progressive and peaceful societies.”

In Hamburg, Minister Murphy will also hold a series of bilateral meetings with Heads of the OSCE institutions and Ministers from other participating States.

Note for Editors:

The OSCE is an intergovernmental organisation that lies at the heart of regional security arrangements in Europe. It is founded on the Helsinki Final Act 1975 which is a politically-binding document that guides the conduct of relations between the 57 participating States. The Paris Charter 1990 builds on the Helsinki Act in establishing the democratic principles and values underlying the organisation. The OSCE is heavily invested in efforts to find a solution to the conflict in Ukraine. The OSCE is also a fundamental forum for dialogue and decision-making on human rights issues between the US, Europe and Central Asia.