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Minister Murphy says agreement on EU-US Privacy Shield is good news for citizens and business

Dara Murphy TD, Minister for European Affairs and Data Protection, has welcomed the agreement reached today by European Commission and U.S. negotiators on the EU-US Privacy Shield – a new framework for transatlantic data flows. The agreement, which was approved at a meeting of the European Commission today, follows intense negotiations between both the EU and US sides over the past number of months.
Minister Murphy said:
“Today’s agreement between EU and U.S. authorities on a new framework for transatlantic data flows is good news for citizens. The new agreement will safeguard our fundamental right as EU citizens to the protection of our data privacy and personal data. It will ensure that these protections are fully respected when our data is transferred outside of the EU, in this case, to the United States.”
“The new framework will reinforce our confidence and trust as users of online services and social media, for example, allowing us to continue to benefit from existing and emerging technologies. The use of these services frequently requires a data transfer from one side of the Atlantic to the other.”
“This deal will provide a welcome boost to the transatlantic digital economy and will come as a relief to many small and medium sized businesses, as well as larger data-focused companies, as it now provides certainty, allowing businesses to plan ahread. “
“Myself and my officials have had ongoing engagement with the European Commission, as the negotiators for the European side, during these negotiations. I want to commend the Commission and the US side for their work over recent months and for reaching this agreement today."