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Minister Murphy welcomes latest EU Digital Economy and Society rankings placing Ireland among high-performing digital European countries

‘We must press ahead to create an EU Digital Single Market to ensure Europe keeps pace in the global shift to digital’

The Minister of State for European Affairs, EU Digital Single Market and Data Protection, Dara Murphy TD, has welcomed the publication by the European Commission today of its Digital Economy and Society Index (DESI) 2017, which shows that Ireland belongs to a cluster of high-performing EU countries when it comes to digitisation of the economy and society. Using a combined index that measures progress in digital across the categories of connectivity, human capital, use of the internet, integration of digital technologies and digital public services, the European Commission places Ireland 8th among the EU 28 Member States, with a particularly strong performance in the integration of digital technology and in the rollout of e-Government services.

Commenting on the findings published today, Minister Murphy said:

“The Commission’s Digital Economy and Society Index is a really useful benchmark for Ireland and other EU Member States to measure our progress in the ever-accelerating shift to digital. Digitisation, given its transformational nature, is as much about harnessing the potential for society as it is about realising new economic opportunities, and this is very much reflected in the Commission’s approach.

“I very much welcome today’s independent recognition by the Commission of Ireland’s status as a high-performing EU Member State when it comes to digital transformation. To build on the great strides that we’ve already made in the shift to a digital economy and society, Ireland, and indeed Europe as a whole, must press ahead and deliver on our ambitious plans to create a Digital Single Market. Collectively, we have to at least keep pace with, if not lead globally, in the shift to digital.

“Only by working together with ambition will we be able to achieve Europe’s goal to provide consumers and business with better access to digital goods and services, to create the best conditions for digital networks and services to flourish, and to maximise the growth potential of the digital economy.”