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Minister Naughten announces appointment to NORA Board

The Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment, Mr Denis Naughten T.D., has appointed Ms Keara Robins to the board of the National Oil Reserves Agency (NORA) for a five year period.

NORA is responsible for ensuring that Ireland meets its obligations under EU Legislation and International Energy Agency rules to maintain a minimum of 90 days stocks of oil for use in the event of a physical shortage of supplies. It is also responsible for administering Ireland's Biofuels Obligation Scheme.

Minister Naughten said,

I am delighted to appoint Ms Robins. Her appointment will add greatly to the expertise available to the NORA board, particularly at this time when NORA is developing further primary storage capacity in Ireland to enhance ready access to emergency oil stocks in the event of an emergency. Her experience in the energy sector and her ability to provide advice on strategies and project management will be hugely beneficial to the Agency.

The appointment was made in accordance with the Guidelines on Appointments to State Boards. A notice in relation to serving on the Board of NORA was advertised on the website in May this year.

Notes to Editors

Keara Robins qualified as a civil engineer and has worked in a variety of energy-related roles, both in industry and in the regulatory area. She is currently the Director of IPKA Consultancy Ltd, delivering consultancy support to the energy sector in business strategy, project delivery and capacity building.

The appointment was made in accordance with the Guidelines on Appointments to State Boards and pursuant to Section 14 of the National Oil Reserves Agency (NORA) Act, 2007.