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Minister Naughten statement regarding the protest by Tyre Industry at Leinster House

Denis Naughten, TD, Minister for Communication, Climate Action and Environment today reconfirmed his commitment to tackling the issue of waste tyres that has blighted the countryside for decades.
In response to the protest by some people within the tyre industry the Minister commented:
“I met with tyre industry representatives only two weeks ago. I listened to their concerns and I have done my best to address as many of them as possible. However, the issue of waste tyres is one that needs to be met head on. I do not want the images of the toxic tyre fires recently seen in Wales and Belfast replicated here. The new measures I will be introducing in 2017 are a long time in the making and they have been stalled long enough.”

The Minister went on to explain that he is introducing a full compliance scheme, which will be run by Repak ELT. The scheme will carry out all regulatory functions on behalf of its members and membership of the scheme will be mandatory for any operator or person placing tyres on the Irish market. All operators will be obliged to provide data on the numbers of tyres coming on and off the market. This will be the first time that there will be clarity in this regard. The scheme will be funded by a visible Environmental Management Charge, similar to that which funds the collection of waste electrical goods. Commenting on the fee that will be introduced the Minister said:
“I will be introducing a vEMC across a range of tyre categories to fund the new scheme. I am currently taking advice on the level of fees to be set. It is important to stress that this is not a new charge. Consumers already pay a fee for the disposal of their old tyres whenever they buy a new one. However, the existing fee is problematic; there is no accountability associated with it and no certainty for the consumer that the disposal fee they currently pay is being used for its intended purpose. The level of illegal stockpiles would suggest that it is often not properly applied. As things stand, the consumer pays on the double – first, when they purchase new tyres and then again, through their taxation when local authorities are forced to remove illegal tyre stockpiles across the country.”
The Minister said he had received a lot of support during the extensive consultation that has taken place with the industry for the introduction of the scheme from other operators in the tyre market, including retailers and manufacturers. However, he re-iterated that the lack of regulation in this market to date has led to very limited data being available and to stockpiles of waste tyres that could have a detrimental effect on the environment and human health and no further delay in addressing this matter is tenable.