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Minister Noonan congratulates T.K. Whitaker on reaching his centenary year

Commenting on this special occasion Minister Noonan said:
“T.K. Whitaker’s contribution to Irish society is widely known, and the respect with which he is held by politicians of all hues speaks volumes for his legacy as a public servant.
In my role as Minister for Finance, I would like to particularly acknowledge T.K. Whitaker’s service to my own Department.
During his 30 years in the Department, 13 of which he spent in its most senior role, he demonstrated his skill and positive influence in both managing the Department itself, and strategically guiding national economic policies.”

Note for Editors
Thomas Kenneth "Ken" Whitaker was appointed to the most senior role within the Department of Finance during a period of economic stagnation. Together with a small team of officials, he prepared his ground-breaking report, Economic Development, in 1958. This document examined each sector of the Irish economy in detail, recommending a series of proposals to lift it out of recession. It provided a framework that would influence Irish economic policy for decades to come. By promoting free trade and encouraging inward investment, Whitaker’s influence helped to change the Irish economy away from previous introspective policies and turn it outwards to face the world.
Whitaker’s later achievements, including his successful Governorship of the Central Bank, his service as head of the ESRI and the National University of Ireland, his appointment to both Seanad Éireann and the Council of State, as well as his contribution to improving relations with Northern Ireland, have secured his place as one of Ireland’s most influential public servants.
As part of our recent decision to name parts of the Department of Finance offices at Government Buildings after figures connected to its history, T.K. Whitaker was one of the first names on the list. Our main conference room has been named in his honour, thereby continuing his connection with the Department and reflecting our pride in his achievements.