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Minister Noonan opens transparent process for a nominee to the EIB

·The Minister of Finance, Michael Noonan T.D. has announced the commencement of a competitive, publically advertised, selection process to identify an Irish nominee as Vice President of the Luxembourg-based European Investment Bank (EIB). The position is being advertised on the Department of Finance website and on
·Along with all other EU Governments, Ireland is a member of the European Investment Bank (EIB) which is the EU investment bank located in Luxembourg. The EIB Management Committee comprises just nine members including the President and oversees day-to-day running of this important institution. Committee members are solely responsible to the Bank and they are independent in the performance of their duties. One of their main roles is to assess projects and authorise them for later approval.
Commenting on the launch of the process today the Minister for Finance, Michael Noonan T.D. said
“The person appointed as Vice-President will be a significant additional resource for Ireland and a source of informal influence on Ireland’s behalf at the EIB. The individual will also, by virtue of the post, be in a position to directly shape the EIB’s investment policies and strategies in the coming years. As Ireland has benefitted from EIB support for critical infrastructure in recent years, including recent announcements on primary care facilities, it is all the more important that we continue to maximise our engagement with this key institution. “
“Given the nature of the post, the Irish Vice President must have the necessary skills and experience to operate effectively at a very senior level at the Bank and with EU Governments, EU Institutions, other International Institutions and the business sector including finance and industry. This Government is committed to open and transparent recruitment and it is therefore most appropriate that we continue to make use of the appointment process in selecting Ireland’s nominee and I look forward to reviewing the applications that come from this process. “
Once selected by the Government, the proposed nominee will have to secure the approval of the EIB 29 member Board of Directors followed, if agreed, by the Bank’s 28 member Board of Governors representing each EU Government.
The closing date is 5pm on Friday 10th June and applicants are invited to submit an expression of with the subject EIB – VP. This should show their suitability for the post in terms of the skills and experience necessary to effectively undertake the role and responsibilities of Ireland’s Vice President of the EIB.
Advertisement for position can be found at

Notes for Editors
Following an initial assessment of applications, suitably qualified candidates will be short-listed for a competitive interview based on experience, skills and ability to perform effectively in the position. After this interview, the Selection Committee will recommend a maximum of three candidates for consideration by the Minister for Finance who will then bring the proposed nominee to Government for approval.
The selection process will be conducted by a four-person Selection Committee consisting of the Secretary General to the Government, Secretary General of the Department of Finance and two independent external third-parties with appropriate senior level experience of the public service, banking/finance and EU Institutions.
Mr. Paul Ryan, head of the International Financial Institutions Division will oversee the process at the Department of Finance.
EIB and Committee background
Along with all other EU Governments. Ireland is a member of the European Investment Bank (EIB) which is the EU investment bank located in Luxembourg. The permanent executive body of the Bank is the EIB Management Committee which consists of the Bank President and eight Vice-Presidents. Under the authority of the President and the supervision of the Board of Directors, the Management Committee oversees day-to-day running of the EIB, prepares decisions for Directors and ensures that these decisions are implemented by the Bank’s management and staff. Comprising very experienced senior officials, Committee members are solely responsible to the Bank and they are independent in the performance of their duties. One of their main roles is to assess projects put to them by EIB staff and to then authorise these projects to be presented to the Board of Directors for approval.
The Person
Given the nature of the post, the Irish Vice President must have the necessary skills and experience to operate effectively at a very senior level at the Bank and with EU Governments, EU Institutions, other International Institutions and the business sector including finance and industry.
With a very strong results focus and a proven track record of achievement at senior management level in a complex and challenging environment, the successful candidate will have excellent leadership, communication and interpersonal skills including the ability to represent the Bank at the highest political, business and international levels while engaging actively with a wide range of stakeholders and at international engagements.