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Minister O’Brien confirms rent freeze and eviction moratorium will be extended

Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien has confirmed the rent freeze and eviction moratorium will be extended beyond the July 20th deadline.

Minister O’Brien will bring a memo to Cabinet on Monday following further consultation on the matter. The Minister is also working with Department officials and the Attorney General on long-term solutions for renters.

Commenting he said,

I have been clear in my desire to see the rent freeze and eviction moratorium extended. However, I am very aware that there are legal implications for doing so. I will be consulting with the Attorney General on the matter and intend to bring a memo to Cabinet on Monday.

The rent freeze and eviction moratorium which was brought in under emergency legislation will not be extended indefinitely so it is important to have alternative protections in place to safeguard renters. I am currently working with the Attorney General on legislation in this regard and I want to have it enacted prior to the Dáil recess,

he said. 

The Minister also reiterated his call for people to apply for the emergency rent supplement payment should they be struggling to pay their rent,

I do not want to see any renter in arrears as a result of losing their job during the COVID-19 pandemic. I would urge anyone who is having difficulty in paying their rent to apply for the emergency rent supplement payment,

he concluded.