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Minister O’Brien publishes the Dormant Accounts Action Plan 2021

€51 million in funding to help address disadvantage.

Joe O’Brien, TD, Minister of State at the Department of Rural and Community Development, today (12th November 2020) announced funding of over €51 million from the Dormant Accounts Fund to address disadvantage right across the country.

Money in the Dormant Accounts Fund can be used to fund measures that address economic, social, or educational disadvantage and to support people with a disability. The 2021 Action Plan allocates funding of €51 million to 46 measures to be delivered across 10 Government Departments.

Some examples of measures approved for funding include:
• €6.4 million for investment in sports in disadvantaged communities and for persons with disabilities.
• €6 million for youth and community justice services aimed at countering the influence and impacts of crime on young people and in communities.
• €2.3 million to support social enterprises to address social and economic disadvantage.
• €1 million for a youth initiative to provide young people with the soft skills needed to improve employability.

Launching the Action Plan today, Minister O’Brien said:

I am delighted to launch the Dormant Accounts Action Plan 2021 which provides funding of over €51 million to help address disadvantage right across Ireland. The 46 measures approved for funding in 2021 will be implemented across Government and will help to address a diverse range of issues such as long term unemployment, youth disadvantage, migrant integration and probation supports to prevent re-offending.

The Minister continued:

Dormant Accounts funding makes a real difference to individuals and communities right across the country. The Navan Travellers Workshop, It’s Good to Talk Counselling Service in Wexford and the Lucan Disability Action Group are examples of two organisations that recently received support from the Dormant Accounts Fund through the COVID 19 Stability Fund.

Dormant Accounts Funding is helping vulnerable individuals, supporting social inclusion, and strengthening our communities. The 2021 Action Plan being published today will help ensure that we can continue to support those who need it most during these challenging times.

The Dormant Accounts Fund Action Plan 2021 is available to download here.