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Minister O’Gorman announces increase funding for domestic, sexual and gender-based violence services for 2021

The Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, Roderic O’Gorman T.D., is delighted to announce that Tusla will allocate additional funding of €4.7 million to support domestic, sexual and gender-based violence (DSGBV) services across the country in 2021.

In 2021, a total of €30m will be made available from the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) to Tusla to fund DSGBV services. This includes a €2.7m increase in core funding to €28m, with an additional €2m of once-off contingency funding also being made available to help services cope with the ongoing effects of Covid-19. This represents in total for 2021 a €4.7m increase over the original 2020 figure allocated to Tusla.

The increase in funding represents the Minister’s commitment to prioritising and supporting the most vulnerable in our society. It recognises the epidemic of domestic, sexual and gender-based violence, which is being intensified amidst the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Speaking about the funding increase, Minister O’Gorman said:

I am delighted to announce a significant increase in funding for DSGBV services next year. I am hopeful that these additional resources will enable services to continue their valuable supports for victims and their families at a very vulnerable time in their lives.

I am particularly pleased to be able to increase funding during COVID-19. At this time, people experiencing domestic, sexual and gender-based violence may feel they have nowhere to turn. This is not the case. If you are experiencing abuse, or if you know anyone in that situation, there are local services that can help you or provide advice. You are not alone.

Notes for Editor
The response to Domestic, Sexual Violence and Gender-based Violence (DSGBV) is a cross Departmental and multi-agency issue. Policy is coordinated by the Department of Justice.

Tusla, the Child and Family Agency has statutory responsibility for the care and protection of victims of DSGBV. The Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) is providing Tusla with core funding of €25.3m this year for almost 60 organisations that deliver services for these victims, including 22 services that provide emergency refuge and non-refuge accommodation to victims of domestic violence. An additional €2 million is being provided to DSGBV services for once-off costs this year, including many costs that have arisen as a result of the current pandemic.

In 2021, a total of €30 million will be made available by DCEDIY to Tusla to fund DSGBV services. This includes a €2.7 million increase in core funding, bringing it to €28 million, with an additional €2 million of one-off contingency funding being made available to help services cope with the ongoing effects of COVID-19.

The Programme for Government sets out a number of commitments regarding DSGBV, including an audit on segmentation of DSGBV responsibilities across government departments and agencies. The audit will assist in developing proposals on the appropriate infrastructure required to ensure that all of the issues related to domestic, sexual and gender-based violence are addressed in the most holistic and effective way possible. The audit will inform the development of the third National Strategy on DSGBV. Work is already underway on this, led by the Department of Justice, and it is scheduled to be completed in the first quarter of 2021.

A review of the provision of safe emergency accommodation for victims of domestic violence is currently being undertaken by Tusla, and both the needs of victims and the processes for commissioning of refuges or other safe accommodation are being considered as part of this review. The findings of this review and the recommendations of the National Monitoring Committee of the Second National Strategy on DSGBV will inform the future provision of emergency refuge accommodation.

The following websites and helplines are available for anyone who may need support.

Women’s Aid
Helpline: 1800 341 900

Dublin Rape Crisis Centre
Helpline: 1800 77 8888

Male Advice Line
Helpline: 1800 816 588

Men’s Aid Ireland
Helpline: 01 554 3811

A range of local services are also available throughout the country. A list of available services are provided from the Still Here website and directly from Tusla’s website here: